2024 Annual Membership and Boat Launch Key

Each year we collect dues from our members which are used to keep our beach area, maintenance shed and boat launch area in top shape. As well,  several events throughout the cottage season are hosted to bring our community together in fun, informal ways.

We began distribution of boat launch keys at the Annual General Meeting on April 24th, 2024. If you were unable to attend the annual general meeting, you may pay for dues (NEW in 2024 – $75.00) and get a key for the boat launch by  contacting:

    • Russ Friesen – 17 Lady Drax Drive 
    • Phone: 204-736-2846
    • Email: russelljfriesen@gmail.com
  • Please call or text ahead of time to arrange pickup


You may also pay dues by EFT to Lee-Anne Gobeil (leeanneg@shaw.ca) or text 204-801-8652 and she will send a receipt and you can then pickup your launch key from Russ. 

While down at the boat launch / beach area:

  • Please park ATVs & golf carts in designated areas – NOT near the boat launch or docks to allow vehicles with trailers and boats room to turn around and access the launch.

Thanks to everyone who helps out with beach maintenance, grass cutting and special projects.